For a long time, referring to Canada, people think of the image of red leaves. And that red maple leaf image has been chosen as a symbol for the country and its people. So why did Canada choose a maple leaf to represent their country? Let’s explore Asia in the article Maple Leaf, Canada and things you don’t know yet.

Referring to Canada, perhaps the first thing people think of is the image of the maple tree with yellow leaves, bright red. And it is not natural that maple leaves become Canada’s most well-known symbol. If you plan to travel to Canada in the near future, let’s learn about the power leaf that was printed on this flag before starting the Canadian tour!

bieu tuong dat nuoc Canada

Maple trees are mainly native to Asia but some species are present in Europe, North Africa and North America. The main species are wood trees up to 10-40m high. The leaves in most species are in the form of veins and lobed-shaped lobes, with 3-9 tendons leading to each lobe, one of the lobes in the middle. Although the maple species is distributed in many parts of the world, it is unique in Canada.

bieu tuong dat nuoc Canada

Canada has vast maple forests, especially in the Southeast, where maple trees are everywhere. It is thought that the maple leaves here change color better than others. And nowhere like this land can the maple species produce sweet sugar, from which people have prepared typical foods, not only popular in the country but also widely known. Put sugar to be shaved for plastic, then heat it to produce syrup, maple sugar or candy.

Maple flowers are green, yellow, orange or red, depending on the species. Although each individual flower is small, the overall effect of the plant when flowering is quite colorful in some species. In agriculture, because they are the main source of pollen in the early spring before many other plants flowering, it is considered important for the survival of many honey bees.