A recent HSBC research report shows that Canada is the friendliest and most enthusiastic country in helping immigrants and temporary residents. Foreigners who come to Canada “will easily get used to and be enthusiastically assisted in joining other community groups as well as learning languages.”

Canada now has a perfect service system to help immigrants and temporary residents integrate quickly. These service organizations are nationwide.

These service organizations are nationwide, including in less populated areas. These service organizations help immigrants of different ethnicities understand the customs. Culture is been able to easily integrate and settle down.

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Jack Jedwab says that the population increase has partly explained that Canada is very interested in the foreign workforce. With the number of immigrants entering Canada, China and India are the two countries with the largest immigrant population.

Although the number has decreased in recent years. The Philippines ranks third in immigration to Canada and has doubled in the last 5 years.

Upon arrival in Canada, foreigners all share the same opinion that Canadians are honest, polite, friendly people. And especially they have a high attitude of responsibility in protecting the environment.

The peaceful atmosphere in the rhythm of society, in the open nature and in human relations is a very distinct nuance in Canadian life.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho canada

These are the indispensable results of a vast land of wealth and a society striving to create conditions for human development and protection.

Maple leaves are shaped like a star or butterfly wings, change color with the season and fall in late autumn. The maple forests and images represent the immense and peaceful Canadian nature.

Some Aboriginal languages ​​are also considered official languages ​​in autonomous territories, especially Inuktitut. The goal is to preserve their most distinctive North American cultural nuance.